Oral Diagnosis

Sample Book 1

Oral Diagnosis

by W Birnbaum , S M Dunne , M G H Bishop

ISBN 0723610401


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Book Description

'Oral Diagnosis: the clinician's guide' is a succinct, concise guide to history-taking, diagnosis and special testing for oral and dental diseases/traumatic injuries. Taking a problem-solving approach to the subject, this new book provides excellent coverage of all the situations the dental undergraduate can commonly expect to encounter. Based at King's Dental Institute, the authors between them represent the fields of dental surgery, dental accident and emergency management of medically-compromised patients and conservative dentistry - thus ensuring that a fully integrated, multidisciplinary approach is taken throughout. This unique, synoptic pocket guide to diagnosis is an essential purchase for every dental undergraduate and a useful reference for all dental practitioners.


Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; The challenge of diagnosis; The history; Examination; Diagnostic tests; Pain of dental origin; Pain of non-dental origin; Trauma; Infection; Cysts; Ulcers; White patches; Bumps, lumps and swellings; Oral changes in systemic disease; Oral consequences of medication; Index.